Crispy Mini Double Chocolate Chip Cookies|Famous Amos Style香脆迷你双重巧克力粒曲奇饼干,完全酥脆,甜度适中Totally Crispy ♦香脆迷你巧克力粒曲奇饼干食谱 Crispy Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe: ♦流心巧克力粒曲奇饼干食谱|纽约NYC Levain Bakery style Gooey Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe: ♦软心双重巧克力曲奇饼干食谱 Double Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe: ♦饼干食谱 Cookies Recipe: ♦ Facebook Page: ♦ Instagram ID: iwen777 ♦ Oven: Electrolux 72L Built in Oven: ♦数码厨房秤网购链接Digital Kitchen Scale Lazada Links: 好好享受,与我分享你作品的照片在我的Facebook Page上哦。 :-) Enjoy and share photos of your creation with me on my Facebook Page. 自从上次做了原味香脆巧克力粒曲奇,很多人询问巧克力口味。那么一起来做快速简单的“迷你香脆双重巧克力粒曲奇”,完全酥脆,巧克力控必试!家人们也说巧克力口味比Famous Amos还好吃,没那么甜,刚刚好~ 面团里面还加了融化黑巧克力,无糖可可粉和54%可可含量的黑巧克力粒,准确的说,应该是三重巧克力曲奇才对。哈哈~ 这次也加核桃和杏仁粒,增添口感结构。新鲜出炉还热时外围脆中间软,可是放凉掰开曲奇,由内到外都是完全酥脆奶香的,个个迷你的,好可爱。内部满满的半融化苦甜巧克力粒和咸香脆核桃杏仁粒,还有满满巧克力香味,垂涎三尺,口感很好。全家大小都超爱吃~ 适合做新年饼干~ 收藏方式:烤好彻底凉透,室温收密封容器保存。要新鲜7天内吃。还没烤熟的面团可以预先挖球收冰库冷冻,要吃再新鲜烤香。建议面团冷藏1-3天再烤风味更佳。 Since made Original Crispy Chocolate Chip Cookies last time, many people have requested chocolate flavor. So let's make quick and easy "Mini Crispy Double Chocolate Chip Cookies", which are completely crispy and must-try for chocolate lovers! Whole family also said this chocolate flavor is even better than Famous Amos, not too sweet, just right~ Melted dark chocolate, unsweetened cocoa powder and 54% cocoa content dark chocolate chips are added to the dough. To be precise, should be called Triple Chocolate Chip Cookie. Haha~ This time walnuts and almond nibs are added to cookie dough for add texture and flavors. When freshly baked and still hot, crispy outside with soft center, but after cooled and break apart, cookies are completely crispy buttery from inside out, and each one is so mini, so cute. The inside is full of half-melted bittersweet chocolate chips, and crunchy walnuts almonds, as well as full of chocolate aroma, mouth-watering with great taste. Whole family loves it~ Suitable for CNY New Year cookies~ Storage method: Baked and let cool completely, store in airtight container at room temperature. For fresher flavors, eat within 7 days. Unbaked dough can be scooped into balls in advance, and stored in freezer, bake freshly whenever desire. Recommended to chill dough for 1-3 days before baking for better flavor. ♦Ingredients食材 =64pcs Cookies曲奇 (12g/pc, ½Tbsp Measuring Spoon量勺)= 25g Dark Chocolate (Melted) 黑巧克力 (融化) (Lazada Links Above 网购链接在上方) 13g Vegetable Oil 植物油 15g Unsweetened Cocoa Powder 无糖可可粉 150g All Purpose Flour 普通中筋面粉 20g Cornstarch 玉米淀粉 10g Milk Powder 奶粉 1.5g Baking Powder 泡打粉/发粉 2g Baking Soda 苏打粉 125g Unsalted Butter (Soften) 无盐牛油 (软化) 75g Brown Sugar 棕糖 45g Caster Sugar 细砂糖 1g Salt 盐 28g Egg 鸡蛋 3g Vanilla Extract 香草精 150g Dark Chocolate Chips 黑巧克力粒 (Lazada Links Above 网购链接在上方) 50g Walnut (Roasted) 核桃 (烤过) 50g Almond Nibs (Roasted) 杏仁粒 (烤过) (Top Bottom Heat, No Fan Force, Middle Rack) (上下火,不开旋风,中层烤) (Preheated Oven 170C: 20-25minutes) (预热烤箱170C: 20-25分钟) ♦ MUSIC Artist: Spazz Cardigan Title: Lucid_Dreamer Artist: Wayne Jones Title: First Love #MiniCrispyDoubleChocolateChipCookies #FamousAmosCookies #TotallyCrispy #CNYCookies #香脆迷你双重巧克力粒曲奇饼干 #完全酥脆 #年饼 #双重巧克力曲奇 iwen baking 更多视频/文章……
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