紫薯雙色饅頭卷,松软,有嚼劲,非常好吃!Purple potato steamed bread roll #紫薯 #Purple potato 紫薯营养丰富,是一種很保健的食物。紫薯种含有的硒喝铁是人体的抗疲劳、抗衰老、补血的必要元素,改善皮肤肤质,调理内分泌。拿來做饅頭,不上火,口感松软,有嚼劲,非常好吃! 紫薯雙色饅頭卷食譜 材料: 紫薯 1條 (去皮後,大概100g) 面粉 250g (過篩) 40g細砂糖 4g 酵母 牛奶 130g 紫薯麵糰 1.100g紫薯洗凈切片,蒸15分鐘,至軟 2.紫薯壓成泥,紫薯泥放入20g細砂糖,2g酵母和50g牛奶拌勻 3.把紫薯泥加入100g面粉中,揉成光滑的面團,蓋上保鮮膜,發酵至2倍大(大約1小時左右) 白色麵糰 1.80g牛奶,加入20g細砂糖,2g酵母,拌勻 2.加入拌勻的牛奶加入150g面粉中,揉成光滑的面團,蓋上保鮮膜,發酵至2倍大(大約1小時左右) 做法: 1.將面團都揉幾分鐘排氣,用搟面丈搟成薄片 2.兩塊面團搟成略微薄的面片,紫薯麵糰上面刷點水,將兩種面片重疊在一起 3.切掉角邊的麵片 4.將兩塊面片慢慢卷起來,用刀切成12粒。 5.再次醒發20分鐘, 6.蒸饅頭,需要冷水上鍋,中火蒸20分鐘 7.關火後再燜5分鐘,才可揭開鍋蓋。這樣出爐的饅頭才不回縮白白胖胖! ❤感謝您收看我的視頻!請與您的朋友分享此視頻 另外,這是我的youtube 頻道,幫忙訂閲一個哦,感謝。 https://www.youtube.com/iamfoodee Purple potato steamed bread roll Ingredients: 1 purple sweet potato (after peeling, about 100g) 250g flour (sifted) 40g caster sugar 4g yeast 130g milk practice: Purple Sweet Potato Dough 1. Slice purple sweet potatoes, Steam for 15 minutes, until soft 2. Press the purple sweet potato into a puree, add 20g caster sugar, 2g yeast and 50g milk to the purple sweet potato puree, mix well 3. Add purple potato puree to 100g flour, and mix into a smooth dough to ferment for 1 hour White dough 1.80g milk, add 20g caster sugar, 2g yeast, mix well 2. Milk is added to 150g flour, and the dough becomes smooth and fermented for 1 hour practice: 1. Knead the dough for a few minutes to exhaust, then use the dough to roll into thin slices 2. Two pieces of dough are rolled into slightly thin noodles, and the purple potato dough brushed with some water to overlap the two noodles. 3. Cut off the corner pieces 4. Slowly roll up the two dough pieces and cut into 12 pieces 5. ferment again for 20 minutes, 6. To steam the steamed buns, you need a pot on cold water and steam for 20 minutes 7. Turn off the heat and simmer for 5 minutes before removing the lid. Shadajie Kitchen 傻大姐美食厨房 更多视频/文章……
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