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【Garden 90】Don't buy seeds! Bought a capsicum and grow a pile of capsicums

2022-9-17 15:00| 发布者: admin8| 查看: 33| 评论: 0|文章/视频分享来自: 袭小厨和她的菜园子Delightful Garden

【Garden 90】Don't buy seeds! Bought a capsicum and grow a pile of capsicums

It’s fun to grow vegetables at home, sometimes, you don’t need to buy seeds, just go to the supermarket to buy a sweet/green pepper and eat it back. After eating, you can grow a bunch of sweet/green peppers, which is enough for the whole late summer and autumn. It turns out that growing bell peppers at home is so easy. This video records the process of planting sweet peppers/green peppers in detail: taking seeds, soaking seeds, germination, sowing, raising seedlings, transplanting, fertilising, fruiting, picking, and making delicious dishes.

Chapter table of contents:

Seeds from bell peppers and green peppers: 00:00
Soak seeds: 00:50
Germination: 01:25
Sowing: 02:05
Transplanting: 03:45
Flowering and fruiting: 06:04
Pick: 06:38
Dishes: 07:52

Relative video links:
【种植80】追肥|施肥有技巧,人人都丰收,有机种菜怎么施肥 How to fertilising organic vegetables and fruits:https://youtu.be/ASiB_mkPqpA

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【种植54】波卡西堆肥 Bokashi Composting, 快速高效,改良土壤,一次做出有机土和液体肥:https://youtu.be/80sUDYt9YKs

【种植37】堆肥必看| 堆肥的常见问题及解决方法, | 该放什么,不该放什么, 有氧堆肥与无氧堆肥 | The things you have to know about compost:https://youtu.be/oLQ3B45wDIE

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袭小厨和她的菜园子Delightful Garden










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