什麼時候賣股票?聊聊我的經歷和三個思維模型 您的點擊會給我帶來收益(不會對您産生費用),也是對我的支持。這些收益會幫助我爲大家持續産出優質的內容。 Interactive Broker 對美國居⺠免交易費(IBRK LITE), 在全球各地區提供有競爭力的服務和費率; 加拿大用戶可以用 Interactive Broker 快速便宜的將CAD轉成USD來投資美股的平颱。我個人使用它主要是這個原因。其它地區的朋友也建議查看一下在你地區的優勢。 歡迎加入我的會員網站(完整訪談發佈在會員網站): https://onenewbite.com/ 會員網站現階段有1300名左右會員, 計劃2500名會員時提升價格限制人數(人數太多會超過我的精力負荷)。 會員福利--已經上傳到會員網站的“剪輯外精華區”: 1. 視頻中的動態思維導圖 2. 純音頻版 相關視頻: https://youtu.be/bCrYXDi-br0 https://youtu.be/FvQRhEKhtuw https://youtu.be/c3eiLNETGM8 https://youtu.be/rr33CKc3Las https://youtu.be/fyE-yJjGy5M https://youtu.be/ATlXfcbroR8 https://youtu.be/04VJc2tJ1EM ------------------- Disclaimer: This content is provided by a paid Influencer of Interactive Brokers. Influencer is not employed by, partnered with, or otherwise affiliated with Interactive Brokers in any additional fashion. This content represents the opinions of Influencer, which are not necessarily shared by Interactive Brokers. The experiences of the Influencer may not be representative of other customers, and nothing within this content is a guarantee of future performance or success. None of the information contained herein constitutes a recommendation, promotion, offer, or solicitation of an offer by Interactive Brokers to buy, sell or hold any security, financial product or instrument or to engage in any specific investment strategy. Investment involves risks. Investors should obtain their own independent financial advice and understand the risks associated with investment products and services before making investment decisions. Risk disclosure statements can be found on the Interactive Brokers website. Interactive Brokers is a FINRA registered broker and SIPC member, as well as a National Futures Association registered Futures Commission Merchant. Interactive Brokers provides execution and clearing services to its customers. For more information regarding Interactive Brokers or any Interactive Brokers products or services referred to in this video, please visit www.interactivebrokers.com. Any trading symbols, entities or investment products displayed are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to portray recommendations. Rates as of January 2, 2024. *Rate shown applies to IBKR Pro clients only. Positive settled cash balances held in the securities segment of accounts with NAV more than 100k earn the stated interest rate and those with NAV less than 100k earn a proportional rate. Cash held in the commodities segment of an account does not earn interest. Rates are subject to change. Interactive Brokers LLC is a U.S. Broker/Dealer and not a Bank, as such Interactive Brokers’ accounts are not eligible for FDIC coverage, but are insured through SIPC. For additional information about SIPC coverage please visit www.sipc.org. Bank interest rates shown are based on USD 100k deposit and customers being located in Greenwich, CT. Bank interest rates may vary depending on location of customers. MoneyXYZ 更多视频/文章……
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