馬來傳統糕點【Kuih Penyaram】 帽子糕 成为此频道的会员支持傻大姐创作: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNKAVB4pM5Q4rojBCPhA16g/join ------------------------- Kueh Penyaram(也叫Kuih Cucur Jawa)介绍 Kueh Penyaram,也被称为Kuih Cucur Jawa,是一种传统的马来西亚和印度尼西亚甜点。它的外观类似于小甜甜圈,通常呈金黄色,外表酥脆,内部松软,带有浓郁的棕糖香味。 材料: 100克 粘米粉 80克 普通麵粉 1/2茶匙 鹽 150 椰糖 (敲碎) 230毫升 清水 2片 香蘭葉 做法: 准备糖浆: 1.将150 椰糖 (敲碎)棕糖和230毫升 清水倒入一个小锅中,用中火加热,搅拌直到糖完全溶解。然后過濾,放置一旁冷却 2. 在一个大碗中,加入100克 粘米粉 ,80克 普通麵粉,和1/2茶匙 鹽搅拌均匀 3. 加入冷却的椰糖浆,搅拌均匀,直到形成光滑的面糊。 4. 让面糊静置至少3小時,使面糊充分吸收湿原料。 5. 在一个深锅中加热足够的油至中高温,确保油量足以让糕点漂浮。 6. 用勺子舀一勺面糊,小心地倒入热油中。 * 炸至糕点两面金黄,外表酥脆(每面大约需要2-3分钟)。 * 用漏勺将炸好的糕点捞出,放在吸油纸上沥干多余的油。 7. 将炸好的Kueh Penyaram放置一旁冷却片刻,然后即可享用。 小贴士: * 温度控制:油温太高会导致外部快速变色但内部未熟,而油温太低会使糕点吸收过多油脂变得油腻。 * 一致性:面糊的稠度要适中,太稀会导致糕点无法成型,太稠则会影响口感。 Introduction to Kueh Penyaram (also called Kuih Cucur Jawa) Kueh Penyaram, also known as Kuih Cucur Jawa, is a traditional Malaysian and Indonesian dessert. It looks like a small donut, usually golden brown, crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and has a rich brown sugar aroma. Ingredients: 100g rice flour 80g plain flour 150 Palm sugar (broken into pieces) 240ml water 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 pandan leaves Practice: Prepare the syrup: 1. Place the 150g brown sugar and 230ml water in a small pot, heat over medium heat, and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then strain and set aside to cool 2. In a large bowl, add 100g rice flour, 80g plain flour, and 1/2 teaspoon salt and mix well 3. Add the cooled Palm sugar syrup and mix well until a smooth batter forms. 4. Let the batter rest for at least 3 hours to fully absorb the wet ingredients. 5. Heat enough oil in a deep pan over medium-high heat, making sure there is enough oil to float the pastry. 6. Use a spoon to scoop a ladle of batter and carefully pour it into the hot oil. * Fry the pastry until golden brown on both sides * Use a slotted spoon to remove the fried pastry and place on absorbent paper to drain excess oil. 7. Set the fried Kueh Penyaram aside to cool for a while and then enjoy. ----------------------- Business cooperation contact 商業合作聯系 sharecorner01.my@gmail.com Thank you 😊☺️😘😘 ► Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/shadajiekitchen ► YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNKAVB4pM5Q4rojBCPhA16g Shadajie Kitchen 傻大姐美食厨房 更多视频/文章……
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